Author: Matt Baker

Author: Matt Baker

September 20, 2019 at 11:46AM

Crushed a #super chest #workout this morning! Feel like bullets could bounce off my #pecs (not going to prove that though)! #superman #manofsteel #underarmour #goldsgym #adventurevo via IFTTT

August 02, 2019 at 02:49PM

If you’re looking for something fin-tastic to do this Saturday, check out your favorite Big Bald Voiceover narrating this fun show about—what else—Sharks! #sharkweek #bigbaldvo #adventurevo #sharksgonewild via IFTTT

July 28, 2019 at 09:08AM

Boarding Southwest and heading for the Shark Bite Capital of the World, New Smyrna Beach, FL for Shark Week! #sharkweek #bigbaldvo #adventurevo #jawsome #southwestairlines ????????? via IFTTT

July 24, 2019 at 02:28PM

Getting ready to board a #southwestairlines flight and what do I see? Everyone is pumped for #sharkweek ! ?????????Just hope I don’t run into a #sharknado while in flight! #adventurevo #bigbaldvo via IFTTT

July 23, 2019 at 12:21PM

Sipping a protein and collagen smoothie at Johnny Mellows Bike Store in Austin. Looks of cool cycling stuff here! #bikes #imissmybike #nosignoflance #discovery #adventurevo via IFTTT

July 12, 2019 at 08:32AM

Headphone 1, Matt 0 #protip : Be careful when putting on headphones. Some of them have serious tension in the head strap and will snap back hard! #volife #adventurevo #yesimsureitwasntmywife via IFTTT

June 07, 2019 at 01:06PM

I love it every time I get behind a #microphone. Sometimes, though, there are #producers that make it crazy fun. Like yesterday. Doing #vo pickups for a #sharkweek program and the EP says to just go nuts with the copy. So I start singing. And when she stops laughing, she...

May 23, 2019 at 05:12PM

Got the new tag for my #vo #travel pack, where I keep my on the road gear. Gotta represent! ?????? Now when the TSA agent sees my #Sennheiser 416 in the scanner and asks who this pack belongs to, he’ll know. #bigbaldvo #adventurevo #marketing #dontcallitashotgunmicattheairport via IFTTT

April 27, 2019 at 01:32PM

Spent the morning reliving my college roofing days for a Christmas in April project. Nice to help people out. Don’t miss roofing at all though. #christmasinapril #volunteer #adventurevo via IFTTT

April 23, 2019 at 07:04PM

Perfect day to take the top off the #jeep and hit the road! Bonus, managed to get a picture of Hamilton (he moves around a lot and is dark). He loves riding! #dogsofinstagram #topless #adventurevo via IFTTT