September 11, 2018 at 01:21PM

September 11th was a major inflection point in the lives of all Americans. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if the hijackers had failed before they ever got on board 17 years ago. What would have become to those 3000 Americans who perished in the planes and towers, those who died later from injuries both visible and not? What of all the relationships, the offspring, the joys and heartbreaks, the ideas and creations? We will never know. It’s all gone; unmeasurable. For many, myself included, that Tuesday morning forced an examination of the direction of life and brought realizations that there were no real guarantees and that any of us could be gone tomorrow. Realizations that, if it were at all possible, we should be doing something we enjoy, be with those we love, trying to live life to it’s fullest measure. Because we have the opportunity that was denied to so many, that one terrible day in particular. Never forget. #september11th2001 #neverforget #liveyourbestlife #adventurevo

September 06, 2018 at 01:08PM
September 14, 2018 at 11:28AM